E-scrap urban mining is a growing industry that requires our specialized knowledge and expertise in the areas of electronics, metallurgy, and waste management.

Overall, e-scrap urban mining plays an important role in promoting sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of electronic waste, while also providing economic benefits through the recovery of valuable materials.

Pioneering E-scrap Urban Mining

3 Years Of Development & Now Ready Undefeated Success

E-scrap urban mining is an important practice for both environmental and economic reasons. By recovering valuable metals and materials from electronic waste, it reduces the need for mining new materials and helps to conserve natural resources. It also helps to reduce the amount of electronic waste that ends up in landfills or is otherwise improperly disposed of, which can pose environmental and health hazards.


Projects successfully Finished.


Years of experience

Our International Partners

iZ Precious

Cape Refining


Pioneering E-scrap Urban Mining

Products We Recycle




Dvd Players




Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe

  • The environmental impact of electronic waste: Discuss the negative environmental impact of electronic waste, including the pollution and toxic substances that can be released when electronics are not properly disposed of.

  • The importance of e-scrap recycling: Explain why recycling e-scrap is so important, and how it can help to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.

  • The business case for urban mining: Discuss the potential economic benefits of urban mining, including the value of recovered materials and the creation of new jobs in the recycling industry.

  • Sustainable practices in e-scrap recycling: Explore the various sustainable practices that can be used in the e-scrap recycling industry, such as reducing energy consumption and minimizing waste.

We Follow Best Practices


Transform Communities Across South Africa

S & V Ewaste has the highest capacity and most technologically advanced e-waste shredding system in the world, thus providing its customers with a maximum economic benefit and maximum commodity return. All materials sent to S & V Ewaste are 100% recycled into three main commodities: metalsplastic and glass

Johannesburg Head Office

Cape Town

We aspire to be a regional leader in urban mining in Sub Sahara Africa


Vusi Tsale

Founding Chairman & CEO

I have spent last 20 years of my career in the Energy sector. Gained Excellent track record from EPC projects, O&M negotiations, Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Oil and Gas value chain, Management consultant, Renewable energy, Power and Water sector(s). I have successfully crafted strategy direction for multinationals. I possess change skills with disciplined execution. Been fortunate to attend and excel at world class global institutions.

Together with a dynamic Italian company LEM industry SpA. We have together in a partnership decided to build world scale African operations in urban mining from electronic waste.